After 2 years of building the capacity of young people in the Volta Regional capital of Ho with relevant Digital, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership skills under the name Genius IT Youth Development Program, the foundation has seen the need to rebrand its program under the new name Genius IT LEAD Program.
This has become very necessary due to the nature and impact scope we envision for the program. Over these 2 years, the program has seen a good number of youths participate and benefit from the program.
These individuals cut across diverse professional fields such as health, education, civil workers, and the unemployed, among others. Due to this, the program is beginning to see the interest of people growing as persons who find themselves needing relevant Digital Skills to want to learn more of these.
Due to this, the program has been rebranded putting the components of this capacity building program together. The LEAD Program is an acronym considering the components of Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Digital Skills. The LEAD can be found in the module name “LEADERSHIP”. The “E” in the LEAD also stands for Entrepreneurship and the “D” in the LEAD also stands for Digital Skills.
Since we are promoting Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the Digital space, we see our students bearing the name “GITB LEAD FELLOWS.”
The word GITB stands for Genius IT Brainery. Genius IT Brainery is a subsidiary of the foundation and is used as the training arm to promote the capacity-building agenda of the foundation. Therefore, all training programs organized under the foundation are carried out using Genius IT Brainery, an institution under construction to promote high-end capacity building of young people in Ghana and Africa.
We believe as a foundation that, education which is a capacity-building criteria used by generations is one of the most powerful tools used to empower and build nations. Education is the foundation for all forms of discoveries and explorations. Restructuring education to fit into the new century we find ourselves in is very key as changing lifestyles of young people keep changing.
We at Genius IT Foundation believe in building the capacity of young people in the key areas of Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership. This will provide all the needed skills necessary to alleviate poverty and empower generations to live in wealth and abundance.